
Prayer is a critical part of spiritual development and connecting with God and the Holy Spirit. At St. Andrew’s, we believe in the power of prayer and multiplying it to lift up ourselves and our loved ones in His mercy. We encourage prayer requests.

Day by day, Dear Lord of thee three things I pray: To see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, Day by Day.  Amen. —Saint Richard of Chichester, 1197-1253

You can find prayer request cards on the table in the hall.  If you’re requesting prayers for yourself or for someone else, please fill out a card and hand it to an usher so your request can be filled during the service.  Fr. Dave and the ministerial team can supply follow-up support if you include contact information on the card. Requests may be kept confidential by indicating privacy is desired in the “Details” section of the request.

Please let us know about any changes in your prayer requests.

To join in Morning Prayer please visit our Morning Prayer page.

For a deeper experience of prayer that is scripture based and utilizes an ancient aid to more meaningful prayer please go to page describing The Prayer Wheel