Sermons 2023

Father Dave Ivester


    Video  *Dec 31 (Is. 9:2-7; Luke 2:1-20) – The First Sunday after Christmas

    • Theme: Actions speak loader than words. God said he would send a savior and the birth of Christ was the action that backed up the words. We can trust, during these uncertain times, that God will DO what he has said he would regarding those that believe. Many people believe “in” God, but those who believe God, can have confidence about their future in this life and in the life to come.

    Video  *Dec 17 (Matt 11:2-10) – Mark De Spain – The Third Sunday in Advent

    • Theme: Who is the “least” in the Kingdom of Heaven? John the Baptist was the greatest human to live up to that time, but the one who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he. What does that mean? Be aware, “least” does not mean “worst.” So what is the meaning of “least?”

    Video  *Dec 3 (Rom 13:8-14) – Jerry Leckie – The First Sunday in Advent

    • Theme: As we prepare for the commemoration of the advent of our Lord and Savior into this world, we reflect on what it means to follow the commandment of our Lord to “love one another” and to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” If we truly love ourselves then we can reach out to others in the Spirit with the love of Christ.

    Video  *Nov 26 (John 6:5-14) – Sunday Next before Advent

    • Theme: Before Jesus fed the 5000 he turned to Philip and asked him where bread could be bought for so many people. Philip responded with a “fact” based answer that indicated he did not think it was possible to feed all these people. During the last Passover meal of Jesus, Philip asked Christ to show them the Father and it would be enough. Jesus replies with a mild rebuke that Philip still does not know him though Philip has been with him since the beginning of his ministry. How difficult it can be to see beyond the immediate, to accept what our heart tells us rather than our eyes.

    Video  *Nov 12 (Matt 22:15-22) – Twenty Third Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: The Pharisees and Herodians thought they finally had Jesus cornered when they asked him if they should pay tribute to Rome, but Jesus spoke truth to their hypocrisy. The money is obviously Rome’s since it bears the imprint of Caesar, but man belongs to God since he bears the imprint of God. Thus man should give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what belongs to God.

    Video  *Nov 5 (Matt 9:20-22) Bishop Vince McLaughlin – Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: Though the woman who had suffered for 12 years from a discharge of blood was surrounded by a multitude, pressing in on Christ, when she clung to the person of Christ and was healed, it was just the two of them in intimate communication when he blessed her for her faith. In like manner, Christ approaches each one who believes as an individual, and invites us to a life-healing, intimate encounter through him with the God of all creation.

    Video  *Oct 22 (Matt 22:1-14) – Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: When the King (i.e. God the Father) issues a marriage proclamation for his son (i.e. God the Son) to his betrothed (i.e. the church), those originally invited (i.e. Israel) either ignored the feast or abused and murdered the King’s servants (i.e. the prophets). The King responds by destroying those who abused the servants, and then he invites all (i.e. gentiles) that his servants can find to attend. However, those not wearing the provided wedding garment (i.e. the atonement of Christ through faith), are removed from the wedding ceremony.

    Video  *Oct 15 (Matt 9:1-7) – Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: What is the reason for illness, injury and death? The Jews believed it was the punishment of God for personal sin and wickedness. However, in Genesis we learn that all of creation was cursed because of the sin of Adam. The healing of the man with palsy affirms that healing and forgiveness of sins comes only through Christ by faith in him. There is no other power in heaven or earth that can reverse the effects of the curse, and return people to wholeness of being and a saving relationship with God.

    Video  *Oct 8 (Matt 22:34-46) – Mark De Spain – Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: Today’s message appears to be two different messages. The first message regards “…the great commandment, and the second like unto it.” The other message, regarding who the Christ was, appears to be disconnected from the first. A closer look, however, reveals their absolute dependence and addresses the paradox that is Jesus Christ, how a mortal man can also be the eternal God.

    Video  Oct 1 (Ephesians 4:1-6) – Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: There is justification and sanctification. We are justified in Christ before God, but we are sanctified by the work of the Holy Spirit through the choices we make in our life. Who shall we follow? Paul tells us to: “…be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” As we age, let us also become mature in spirit, and put the “old man” to death in Christ.

    Video  Sept 24 (Ephesians 3:13-21) – Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: What is the breadth, length, depth and height of God’s love? Is Paul’s unique description of God’s love an obscure comparison to some measurable physical thing like the Cross of Christ or the altar as some have suggested? But what physical thing could ever represent the boundless love of God? Rather Paul tells us in Ephesians exactly what is the breadth, length, depth and height of God’s love.

    Video  Sept 17 (Matt 6:24-34) – Mark De Spain – Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: In his Sermon on the Mount Jesus warns us that we cannot serve both God and Mammon. This is a dire warning, but to know how to respond we must first know what is this mammon. The implication is that it seems to be more than just wealth when Jesus admonishes us in the very next verse to “Be not anxious for your life…”. We all wish to be free of anxiety, but during these troubled times how do you live without anxiety? The rest of today’s gospel message gives us hope that we can live our lives free of anxiety.

    Video  Sept 10 (Luke 17:11-19) – Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: On our Lord’s final passage to Jerusalem he heals 10 lepers, but only the Samaritan returned to praise and worship Jesus as God. The other nine continued on to present themselves to the priest for absolution. The nine were more concerned with themselves and their standing within the Jewish community. The Samaritan, the foreigner, was so overcome by the grace and mercy of God that his first impulse was to worship God in thanksgiving in the person of Jesus, and then proceed to re-enter his former life. His actions are an example for us when we are blessed by God.

    Video  Sept 3 (Luke 10:23-37) – Jerry Leckie – Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: A parable is a means of explaining a truth in a way that all who hear it can discern the intended truth to the depth that they are able or willing to understand. A child and an adult can both discern the intent of the parable of the Good Samaritan, but the adult will understand it more deeply, because of their experience and because they will likely reflect on the meaning as it applies in their own life.

    Video  Aug 27 (2 Cor 3:4-9) – Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: The Law, as relayed in the Torah, did not save, but served to convict man of sin. Jesus came into the world to save man from his sin, but, rather than remove the law, Jesus fulfill the law in our place. Now the Holy Spirit indwells believers, and writes the law on our hearts, that by grace we would obey the law out of love of God rather than fear of death.

    Video  Aug 20 (Luke 18:9-14) – Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: The publican humbled himself and expressed humility and repentance before God. But our Lord Jesus Christ is our ultimate example of one who humbled himself, through humility, and was obedient even to the point of the cross.

    Video  Aug13 (Luke 19:41-46) – Mark De Spain – Tenth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: Prayer is a pillar in the Kingdom of God as recounted in Isaiah 56, which Jesus quoted when he entered the temple and cleared it of the moneylenders. But what did Christ find when he entered Jerusalem? He found a people that did not have time for God, his Kingdom, or real prayer. In grief Jesus lamented the coming destruction of Jerusalem, because they did not know the time of their visitation. Considering the centrality of prayer in the life of believers, what is prayer, and how should we pray?

    Video  Aug 6 (Luke 9:28-36) – Jerry Leckie – Transfiguration Sunday

    • Theme: The Transfiguration of Christ was a testimony to Peter, James and John of the reality of heaven and the love of the Father for his only begotten Son, our Lord. However, the event was also confusing and intimidating to them. Peter, in particular, seemed perplexed and not sure what to do. Ultimately, this was a time for Moses and Elijah, representing the Law and the Prophets respectfully, to encourage Jesus before his ultimate sacrifice as the Christ.

    Video  July 29 (Romans 8:12-17) – Eighth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Adoption in Roman society, that Paul references in Rom. 8, was total and unbreakable. Further, it represented a new beginning in that debts were erased, and all filial connections with the past life were severed.

    Video  July 23 (Mark 8:1-9) – Seventh Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: the feeding of the 4000 described by Mark is an account of Jesus feeding mostly gentiles in the region of the Decapolis, as opposed to the earlier feeding of the 5000 mostly Jews south of Bethsaida. There were 7 baskets of leftovers indicating the completion of Jesus’ Earthly ministry by the inclusion of the gentiles for whom he had compassion. Soon afterward, Jesus began his extensive journey to Jerusalem where he paid the ultimate price for the sins of the world.

    Video  July 16 (Matt 5:20-26) – Mark De Spain – Sixth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ calls us to a deeper relationship with him, God the Father, and one another. There is a deep and continuous relationship and communication among the three persons. In the Sermon on the Mount we learn not how to be “good” to get to heaven, but how to live now and for eternity with God and with each other.

    Video  July 9 (Luke 5:1-11) – Fifth Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: When Jesus called to Peter to lower the nets, he likely doubted the Messiah’s instruction, perhaps thinking that he was the fisherman and Jesus knew little about fishing. But when the catch nearly overwhelmed the boats, Peter suddenly realized that Jesus was not just the Messiah, but was indeed the Lord. Fortunately, Peter quickly repented and was released from bondage to his sins. Today, let us also recognize Jesus as Lord to be forgiven our sins, and lay them at the cross of Christ to be free of them.

    Video  July 2 (Matt 5:43-48) – Jerry Leckie – Independence Day Sunday

    • Theme: We are citizens of America, but we are also citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, and “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Cor. 3:17

    Video  June 25 (Luke 15:1-10) – Third Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: Jesus is the good shepherd, who seeks diligently for the lost sheep. Jesus love and sacrifice stands in sharp contrast to the shepherding of the pharisees and sadducees who stood apart from and condemned the sinful commoner. Thankfully, “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”

    Video  June 18 (1st John 3:13-24) – Second Sunday after Trinity

    • Theme: What is the Love of God, and why are we called to first, love the brethren, and, second, love those who do not love us, or may even hate us? How should we even love those who hate us? If we choose not to love, then how does that affect our relationship with the Holy Spirit and our faith life?

    Video  June 4 (John 3:1-14) – Trinity Sunday

    • Theme: The Triune God is the greatest of all mysteries. Three persons, all of whom are independently God, yet there is but one God. The scriptures speak from beginning to end regarding the persons of the Godhead. Each person has a unique existence, will and role within the Godhead, but all exist in perfect balance and relationship. The Father appoints what happens, the Sun fulfills the Father’s will, the Holy Spirit applies what the Son has fulfilled to mankind. Because relationships exist within the Godhead, we too can have a life-giving relationship with God.

    Video  May 7 (John 16:5-15) – Fourth Sunday after Easter

    • Theme: Join us to discover the Holy Spirit and how he is now working in the world and in the hearts of all believers.

    Video  Jan 1 – First Sunday after Christmas

    Go to sermons from 2022.